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Year 5 & Year 6 (Eyam, Darley Dale & Crich)



Welcome to Year 5 & Year 6.  We have three parallel classes:  Eyam (Y5), Darley Dale (Y5 & Y6) and Crich (Y6). Please take a look at the information below to find out what we will be learning about this half term, key days of the week, and do check out our gallery!


Thank you,

Mr West, Mrs Collis and Mr Hunter.

Key days each week.



 Crich (Mr West)Eyam (Mrs Collis)Darley Dale (Mr Hunter)

Library Day:  An opportunity to change your reading book.

Remember though, your reading book should come into school every day.

Forest School Today.

Remember to bring a change of clothes suitable for the outdoor conditions of the day.








PE will take place in school.  Please wear your PE to school on this day.


Swimming will continue this term.  The first sessions will be on  Thursday 6th June.


Water safety week will be on the 13th June, please bring long sleeved pj's to swim in (over your swimming costume).

Swimming will start again this term.  The first session will be on  Thursday 6th June



Library Day:  An opportunity to change your reading book.

Remember though, your reading book should come into school every day.


What are we learning this half term?


Our overarching question for the Summer term is:  What influences imagination?


We will begin our learning this half term by reflecting on the meaning of influence and imagination.  We will then begin to learn about the life and work of Antoni Gaudi, with a particular focus on what influenced his own imagination and creativity.



We will then follow in his footsteps, taking inspiration from nature, to create paper-mache sculptures (See our Gallery below!).

In the second half term we will be using architecture again as an influence as we investigate pop-up mechanisms in Design & Technology.


In English we will be using the book 'Ottoline and Yellow Cat' as our inspiration.  The whole school will be using this text to stimulate writing in different ways.  In Y5&6 we will initially become a Crime Correspondent, and write an article for the Big City newspaper.



In Science we are switching our focus to Life Cycles.  We will begin by revisiting prior learning from Y3 & Y4, and then deepening our understanding of how different types of living things; plants, animals and insects reproduce. 


In Maths, Y5 are learning about multiplication and division, decimals, negative number, and converting units.

In Y6 they will be focussing on problem solving.


Swimming this term will continue for Eyam  (Mrs Collis) , and Daley Dale will start again.  We have 5 sessions this half term, beginning on Thursday the 6th June.  Our last sessions are due to be Thursday 4th July.   Any questions, please do ask.

Remember, when we swim, you wear uniform to school as usual and change for swimming. 

For Crich, it will be PE in school:  so wear your PE kits on Thursdays Crich!

What are we reading this half term?


Author of the term:

Abi Elphinstone

About the author:

I'm Abi Elphinstone and I live on the wild east coast of Scotland with my husband and three little kids. One day, we hope to welcome a highland cow called Hagrid to the family…..


I grew up in Scotland where weekends were spent building dens in the woods, jumping into icy rivers, hiding in tree houses and running wild across highland glens. School came as a bit of a surprise (lots of ‘being inside’ and ‘listening’) but English lessons were great. I loved stories – reading them, writing them, listening to them – and it was back then that I discovered worlds behind wardrobes, teachers called Trunchbull and shape-shifting daemons…


I got through school, despite being branded as ‘unteachable’ and ‘prone to spasmodic outbursts of silliness’ by my headteacher, and after an English degree at Bristol University and several years as an English teacher in Africa, Berkshire and London, I am now back to hiding in tree houses and building dens – sometimes in real life, mostly in my books.

We are are reading:



Gaudi Inspired Sculptures

Times Table Rock Star Day

Black Lives Matter

Eyam Self Portraits

Drawing with perspective: Eyam
