Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity Statement of Objective
Our children are growing up in a much wider, diverse and technological society where they are subject to a range of opinions and attitudes towards each other , social groups, minority groups and even themselves often portrayed by the media, games, television and social networks.
The School’s Equality and Diversity Statement of Objectives should be read in conjunction with the Equality and Diversity Policy, Accessibility Policy, the Equal Opportunities Policy and the Disability Scheme.
Dunston Primary and Nursery Academy opposes all forms of discrimination on the grounds of ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability or ability.
Our Statement of Objectives is underpinned by;
- The promotion of equal opportunities
- The elimination of unlawful discrimination
- The elimination of any form of harassment
- The promotion of positive attitudes
- The promotion of British Values
- Encouraging mutual respect, partnership working and collaboration
- Encouraging the participation of disabled people in public life
- Through the application of reasonable adjustment.
Our objectives will be achieved through:
- The promotion of cultural understanding and awareness of different religious beliefs between different ethnic groups within our school community.
- The monitoring and promotion of the involvement of all groups of students in the extra-curricular life of the schools, especially students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- The progressive closure of gaps in attainment and achievement between students and groups of students; especially students eligible for free-school meals, students with special educational needs and disabilities, Looked-After Children and students from minority ethnic groups.
- The continued improvement of accessibility across the school for students, staff and visitors with disabilities, including access to specialist teaching areas.
- Every effort being made to ensure that the Academy Trust, the staff body and the representation of staff in Leadership roles is reflective of the local community.
- The reduction in the incidence of the use of homophobic, sexist and racist language by students in the school.
Through a range of activities we aim to enable our students to develop their:
- Self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
- Acceptance of responsibility for their behaviour
- Understanding of how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality in which the school is situated, and to the society more widely
- Respect for their own and other cultures
- Respect for other people, with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010
- Respect for democracy and eventual support for participation in the democratic process