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Hope Class Nursery


Nursery is a fundamental learning time for all children! Early Years education is the foundation for learning positive behaviours and understanding expectations for learning in school and also to help develop social skills with other children and adults.


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What are we learning about this half term?


Our focus in the first term is to help all children become happy and settled into their new class. It is important to us that nursery is fun and engaging for all and children have a positive attitude to their learning journey which will continue through their education. We also begin to explain the golden rues in nursery and how to respect our new friends and equipment so that everybody is safe and happy. 



In the first term this year Hope Nursery are learning all about Nursery Rhymes. We will be singing, creating actions, discussing the story, listen for rhyming words, initial sounds and clap out the rhythm to a variety of songs.

In phonics we will focus on phase 1, this phase concentrates on the children’s listening and speaking skills which are the foundations to become super readers, as they progress through school. Our aim is to get the children involved in listening and speaking through adult lead activities where children are supported with their learning.



In maths we will be counting to 5 using different methods. We will sing number rhymes, counting out objects one at a time, begin using Numicon and what these resources mean and represent, compare objects and say when they are the same, and select a given number from a larger amount. We will explore the number 5 in fun and engaging activities to develop our understand and confidence in numbers!




 ‘If a child knows 8 nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are 4 years old, they are usually among the best readers and spellers in their class by the time they are 8.’

Megan Fox, Reading Magic.


‘If you want your child to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.’

Albert Einstein


“The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

 Dr. Seuss


What are we reading this half term?

Coming soon!!






Coming soon!
