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Hope Class Reception


Welcome to Hope class!

The teachers in Hope are Mrs Hermiston and Miss Molyneux.  The teaching assistants are Miss Cooper and Mrs Hall.


Key days each week.




Change library books and phonics books


PE -(Please ensure your PE kit is in school)







 *We will try to read with your child three times per week.  We are unable to give specific reading days so please make sure your child has their book and reading record with them in school every day.


Please ensure you child has their PE bag in school on their peg. 


Please can you ensure that all your child's clothes are labelled with their name.  We are finding it very difficult to get unnamed items returned to their owners. 




What are we learning this half term?

This half term we are learning about bears and we will be reading lots of different stories about bears. We will be learning how to be a good friend and to look after each other. We are even going to teach our bears what it means to be kind and helpful! 


In phonics we will begin to learn the Phase 2 sounds. New sounds will be introduced daily and a sheet will be sent home every Friday showing our weekly learning and it will includes a couple of short activities you may wish to complete with your child at home. 



Your child will be bringing home their first reading book. This book is a picture book and doesn’t contain any words.  Picture books are great for helping develop your child's imagination, vocabulary and comprehension skills.


Your child will also have another book which is a reading for pleasure book.  This is a book that your child has chosen to share with you at home.   


Sharing a book with your child is one of the most important things you can do, setting them on the road to learning to read and encouraging a love of books.


We will be having daily dough disco sessions to help develop muscle strength in the children's hands.  This helps to prepare them to use a pencil effectively for writing.  We will also be following a writing programme which allows children to combine dance and large movements to help develop their fine motor control for writing. 


In maths this half term we are focussing on counting and looking at patterns.  We will also be following the NCETM Mastery in Number programme and we will have an additional short maths input every day. 

What are we reading this half term?


Our Author of the term is Jill Murphy. 

We are reading stories about the Large family and Whatever Next

