Dunston Primary and Nursery Academy is committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all pupils. We believe all pupils must attend school regularly and on time. This will give them the best opportunity to progress and succeed at school.
Our school day is detailed by following the link below:
Attendance Criteria and Policies
As a school, you can also seek support from our Attendance Officer who is our Family Resource Worker Ms Rachel Whitbread. More information about our Early Help offer can be found below;
Attendance Policy
Leave of Absence Requests
From September 2013 the Government withdrew the right of Headteacher's to grant any leave of absence for holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parents who take their children on holiday without permission incur unauthorised absence for their child and are issued with a fixed penalty notice and/or court action.
Any leave of absence from school must be authorised by the Head of Academy and parents / carers are asked to complete the form available from the school office when requesting time away from school for their child.