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Reception (Hope & Hathersage)


Welcome to EYFS


Mrs Hermiston teaches in Hope Class and Mrs Hall is the Teaching Assistant.


Mrs Peck and Mrs Collis teach in Hathersage Class and Ms Cooper is the Teaching Assistant.




Key days each week.




Reading Book Bag in school.


Reading Book Bag in school.


Reading Book Bag in school.


Reading Book Bag in school.


PE (Both classes) Reading Book Bag in school.


We read with each child three times per week. 

This reading happens in a group. 

Reading session 1 focuses on decoding, session 2 on prosody and session 3 on comprehension.  





What are we learning this  term?

Our enquiry question for the Spring Term 2025 is 'What makes our community special?'


The driver for this enquiry is Understanding the world – The Natural World and People, culture and communities.


The children will learn about:


* Where we live.


* Where the United Kingdom is, located on a world map.

* Cities and how they are different to towns.

* The features of their local environment

* Different environments that are different to the one in which we live

* Similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries

* Seasons and how they change and the differences between them


The children will also learn about:


*Animals and their habitats

*The impact humans have on the environment and what we can do to look after it.

*The difference between the seasons.

*Caring for plants.

*How to grow plants from seeds.

*lifecycles of animals and plants.


In History (Understanding the world) the children will learn about

*The lives of significant people in their lives and in the community.

*The life and work of Helen Sharman.


In RE the children will learn about:

*Special times and why they are special.

*Celebrations in different religions.

*What is special about our world and how to take care of it.

*Stories from different religions.


In PSED the children will learn about:

*Keeping safe.

*Road safety.

*What to do if they feel worried or scared.

*Keeping healthy.


In Expressive Arts and Design the children will learn about:

*Using simple tools to change materials.

*Developing cutting skills.

*Using different types of modelling materials.

* Singing, performing and playing percussion instruments.


* Singing a selection of Nursery Rhymes.


* Listening and responding to music.



What are we reading this term?


Our Author of the term is John Birningham

About - John Burningham


Other key texts include:

*In Every House on Every Street by Jess Hitchman & Lili La Beleine

*Mouse House by John Burningham

*Home: Where Our Story Begins by Britta Teckentrup & Patricia Hegarty

*Lets go for a walk by Ranger Hamza
