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Pupil Parliament 2024-2025

Pupil parliament members are pupils who uphold the Dunston values and act as role models to others. 


Pupil Parliament meet weekly on a Tuesday from 9am until 9:15am. 

Class Pupil Parliament time is on a Friday from 9am until 9:15am. 


Each class is represented by two democratically elected members. 


All pupil parliament members hold positions of responsibility within school and act as the voice of their class. 

It is the responsibility of each elected member to share information with their class and bring the wishes, feelings and suggestions of the class to the weekly Parliament meetings.


Each class has a Pupil Parliament Book where they can record notes from or for the meetings. 

Younger Parliament members in YR and Y1 have a buddy Parliament member from KS2 to support them in their role. 


Any pupil can submit a suggestion to the Pupil Parliament at any time by using the student suggestions post box outside of the hall. 


